The Mental Break Mothers Need: A Neuroreflective Pause

In my psychotherapy practice, as well as my own parenting experience, I’ve noticed a common yet difficult-to-articulate mental health concern among mothers. In my office, mothers of young children describe their exhaustion, feelings of deep depletion and overwhelm not due to physical, intellectual or emotional fatigue. These mothers yearn for a reprieve – not necessarily from their work, but from intentional effort. They seek more inward-facing, restorative moments to stop and reflect. I call this type of moment: A Neuroreflective Pause

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Ten Ways to Calm an Anxious Mother

Our culture is full of messages that can quietly diminish a mother’s confidence in her actions, abilities or presentation. This, and the stress of parenting, can lead to a state of near-constant worry. Have an anxious mother in your life? Here are some ideas to help her.

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Motherfields: A shared workspace for mothers

n my effort to support mothers with toddlers, we created a shared workspace with childcare for working moms. The idea was and continues to be wonderful – however the economics and demand for this in 2013 were simply unsustainable. There have been many of these that popped into existence and subsequently went dark over the years, but I’m hopeful we can bring this to reality again in the future.

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