

Relationship styles formed in the early years of life influence many parts of who we become as adults. Because these first connections are so important, I believe in helping mothers develop, primarily, compassion for themselves while navigating the sometimes stormy waters of bonding and parenting. I help mothers gain an awareness of their styles of connecting, which fosters an understanding of the many emotions and actions that raising children brings to the surface. This self-understanding allows for greater self-compassion, increased presence, and more mindful intention in parenting and in life. 

Many phases of the parenting journey offer emotional challenges. It is very common for mothers to experience depression, anxiety, fear or ambivalence during parenthood.  A primary goal of counseling is to remind you of your own resiliency and gifts.

The basis of my work with clients is the development of a safe and trusting relationship as the foundation of growth and change. Through the experience of fostering safe relationships with others and oneself,  we become better equipped to navigate life’s challenges.  With the backdrop of healthy relationships, we experience more tools to handle stress, more social integration, and increased life harmony and well-being. 


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